Prayers for a Peace Warrior

A dear friend of mine, Marian Gregory, has not left her home since 9 November.
To those of you who know Marian, you know what an amazingly committed, generous and passionate woman she is for creating a more just world. She has dedicated many years as a volunteer, great financial commitment and hours of prayer to advancing social justice issues.
I first met Marian while working at Oakland Elizabeth House, where she was one of the very first volunteers. She has continued to volunteer and donate on a regular basis from 1991, at its opening, through to today. Only now, her husband, Gail, does more of the volunteering as she has become more frail. Gail has become more attentive with Marian in numerous ways. It is Marian's turn to be taken care of and she finds some delight, even, in it!
Having just returned from 10 days with Marian, I am ever grateful for her love and inspiration. I am also grateful that she is surrounded by amazing family (Gail, her children Nancy and Jim, Nan and Schneider, her granddaughter Anna who is now living with them, weekly visits from Tom and Dave, carriers of the Eucharist from St. Augustine's, and frequent check-ins from friends like Ramona, Ita and so many others.
Please keep Marian in her prayers. As she is fond of saying, she is grateful for the life she has lived, is ready to shed this aged body and is only asking for healing of mind and spirit. Join her, if you will, in this prayer. Thanks.