Welcome to my blog!

I finally went and did it. I ran the NYC Marathon yesterday and now I'm hopped up on sudafed and diet coke so what can I say? A lot, apparently. Hence, the start of my blog and some other online resources as well.

I've been inspired by my sister, Jelly, and my hipster friend, Donna, to join up with myspace.

In the process, I also decided to follow my new biking and photo buddy David Gray McLean's lead and post with Flickr.

Which reminded me that my professor at ICP, John Smock, has a lot of his Associated Press and SIPA images on yahoo and google...

In other words, a small decision to take the leap into the blog-o-sphere has started a chain reaction that may leave me drowning. The sites are in process, but here's a start.

If you follow my links column on the right margin of the blog, you'll note that I have pages on my own website, eyewitnesslife.com, sportshooter, flickr, myspace, shutterfly...and now here! I've also included links to great photojournalism resources, photographers, online magazines and other items of note. I'll update these links from time to time...and if you have one to suggest, send it my way!

I look forward to sharing a daily photo (or two or three or seven for spiritual wholeness) and comments about what I'm up to here in NYC. I hope you'll check them out from time to time.

As Jimmy Durante liked to say,"Good night, Mrs. Calabash, wherever you are."

Or, more recently, we have been reminded of Edward R. Murrow's famous, "Goodnight and good luck."

I'll have to come up with my own closer... Suggestions? Free large print to the best suggestion as judged by me!